[section is_fullwidth=”” addcontainer=”container” margin=”” nopadding=”” grey=”” background_image=”” video=”” background_color=”” class=”” auto_generated=”” first_in_builder=”1″ _made_with_builder=”true”][row][column width=”1_1″ demo_text=”” demo_select=”” _made_with_builder=”true”][text_block text=”<p>The office is full of people and you need to book a rider into the next 4 weeks lesson.</p><p>I designed this one based on personal experience of people flaffing about when trying to rebook.</p><p>The nice thing is it leaves you in the main lesson you were originally in so you can manage other customers who have also just come off that lesson. That said my own way of dealing was to group customers in the queue so it was more effective to manage them<br />quickly.</p><h6>Repeating a single rider forward to numerous lessons quickly.</h6><ol><li>Go into the lesson the rider is paying for and take their money first off.</li><li>Now just below their name is the letter R in a green box. Click it.</li><li>A pop-up window appears. This window allows you to re-book just that rider into any future lessons that are already booked into the system.</li><li>Use the calendar to pick the date they ask for.</li><li>Click on the little blue cross to the left of the lesson name which they confirm they want to go into.</li><li>At the top of the page press the "Add to Lesson" button. You could also choose a horse if you wanted to.</li><li>Close the pop-up window when you are done and move onto the next customer.</li></ol><div><p><strong>NOTE:</strong> just like when you are in a bank, no computer system can tear through a queue of people quicker than scribbling notes on a piece of paper so it may be that for those very busy times when stress levels are<br />high you also have a note pad for managing regulars, possibly repeat lessons,cancellations etc. Alternatively you could have 2 reception pcs running together to manage your busier days.</p></div>” _made_with_builder=”true”][/text_block][/column][/row][row][column width=”1_2″ demo_text=”” demo_select=”” _made_with_builder=”true”][button btn_text=”Riding centre software SUPPORT” btn_link=”https://www.stable-management.co.uk/support-for-riding-centres-by-stable-management/support-for-riding-centre-booking-system/” btn_type=”btn-primary” centered=”centered” target=”_self” _made_with_builder=”true”][/button][/column][column width=”1_2″ demo_text=”” demo_select=”” _made_with_builder=”true”][button btn_text=”If you still need help get in touch now!” btn_link=”https://www.stable-management.co.uk/contact” btn_type=”btn-primary” centered=”centered” target=”_self” _made_with_builder=”true”][/button][/column][/row][row][column width=”1_1″ demo_text=”” demo_select=”” _made_with_builder=”true”][widget_area sidebar=”” _made_with_builder=”true”][/widget_area][/column][/row][/section]