[section is_fullwidth=”” addcontainer=”container” margin=”” nopadding=”” grey=”” background_image=”” video=”” background_color=”” class=”” auto_generated=”” first_in_builder=”1″ _made_with_builder=”true”][row][column width=”1_1″ demo_text=”” demo_select=”” _made_with_builder=”true”][text_block text=”<p><strong>Note: the remote access is an optional feature to our standard package</strong></p><p>Being able to login to the riding centre software from outside of your office network can be used in a number of ways.</p><ul><li>Staff can login from home to administer their own lessons.</li><li>Customer could view days lesson plans and availability.</li></ul><p> </p><p><strong>Staff working from home</strong></p><p>It is possible to allow your staff to access the complete system from home other locations.</p><p>This means they can administer their lessons, horse up and deal with general enquiries.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Letting clients view the calendar online</strong></p><p>Our system allows your client to view the lesson planner and availability online. This is limited in respect of Data Protection but does allow your customers to know what is going on and when.</p><p>The client can also submit a booking enquiry that will allow the office to confirm the booking before committing to it.</p><p> </p><p>*please note that this remote access feature does require some settings to be altered on your router.</p><p> </p>” _made_with_builder=”true”][/text_block][/column][/row][row][column width=”1_2″ demo_text=”” demo_select=”” _made_with_builder=”true”][button btn_text=”Riding centre software SUPPORT” btn_link=”https://www.stable-management.co.uk/support-for-riding-centres-by-stable-management/support-for-riding-centre-booking-system/” btn_type=”btn-primary” centered=”centered” target=”_self” _made_with_builder=”true”][/button][/column][column width=”1_2″ demo_text=”” demo_select=”” _made_with_builder=”true”][button btn_text=”If you still need help get in touch now!” btn_link=”https://www.stable-management.co.uk/support-form-page/” btn_type=”btn-primary” centered=”centered” target=”_self” _made_with_builder=”true”][/button][/column][/row][row][column width=”1_1″ demo_text=”” demo_select=”” _made_with_builder=”true”][widget_area sidebar=”” _made_with_builder=”true”][/widget_area][/column][/row][/section]