[section is_fullwidth=”” addcontainer=”container” margin=”” nopadding=”” grey=”” background_image=”” video=”” background_color=”” class=”” auto_generated=”” first_in_builder=”1″ _made_with_builder=”true”][row][column width=”1_1″ demo_text=”” demo_select=”” _made_with_builder=”true”][text_block text=”<p>Being able to print out and put up the day work sheets in the tack room room has always been a must . We have designed 3 sheets for this purpose that have their own uses.</p><p>Theneed to have different sheets was born from the need to save ink when printing the information out and keeping sheets easy to read.</p><p><strong>The tack room sheet</strong> – put this one up in the staff room or tack room. Shows the horse on the lesson.</p><p><strong>The client sheet</strong> – this sheet can go in the reception and shows instructor and horse.</p><p><strong>The cash inclusive copy</strong> – can be printed and handed to staff to carry around. Shows money owed so the staff can handle cash if the office is shut.</p><h6>Printing off the sheets</h6><ol><li>Click on the Lesson planner in the left hand menu.</li><li>Pick the day you want to deal with using the calendar.</li><li>A drop down menu appears at the top of your page titled Select a feature.</li><li>Click it and choose Print tackroom and client sheet.</li></ol>” _made_with_builder=”true”][/text_block][/column][/row][row][column width=”1_2″ demo_text=”” demo_select=”” _made_with_builder=”true”][button btn_text=”Riding centre software SUPPORT” btn_link=”https://www.stable-management.co.uk/support-for-riding-centres-by-stable-management/support-for-riding-centre-booking-system/” btn_type=”btn-primary” centered=”centered” target=”_self” _made_with_builder=”true”][/button][/column][column width=”1_2″ demo_text=”” demo_select=”” _made_with_builder=”true”][button btn_text=”If you still need help get in touch now!” btn_link=”https://www.stable-management.co.uk/contact” btn_type=”btn-primary” centered=”centered” target=”_self” _made_with_builder=”true”][/button][/column][/row][row][column width=”1_1″ demo_text=”” demo_select=”” _made_with_builder=”true”][widget_area sidebar=”” _made_with_builder=”true”][/widget_area][/column][/row][/section]