[section is_fullwidth=”” addcontainer=”container” margin=”” nopadding=”” grey=”” background_image=”” video=”” background_color=”” class=”” auto_generated=”” first_in_builder=”1″ _made_with_builder=”true”][row][column width=”1_1″ demo_text=”” demo_select=”” _made_with_builder=”true”][text_block text=”<h2>Our system can deal with taking money in different ways<br /></h2><h6>Taking money from a client as they turn up for their lesson</h6><p>Certainly here in the UK most centres work on the basis of a rider coming for a lesson at which point they enter reception and pay for their lesson with cash, cheque, credit card etc.</p><h6>Paying in advance for a lesson when the booking is made.<br /></h6><p>Some yards like to make sure that all clients pay at the time of booking. Our system caters for this with a simple tick box next to where you enter hwo they pay and how much. This way it shows correctly in your cash sheet, taht payment was taken on day "x" for a lesson on day "y"</p><h6>Using credits<br /></h6><p>Tempting customers to pay lump sums in advance is a great way to increase cash flow. When a customers comes in and offers to pay up front all you do is take the money and add the amount paid to their client record. This is then incrementally deducted each time they come for their lesson.</p><h6>Automating credit / simulating a regular standing order<br /></h6><p>If you have a scheme with your clients where they automatically pay a lump sum on the 1st of each month via standing order into your bank then we have a way of automating the addition of this balance to their client record. It is then deducted incrementally each time they have a lesson.</p><h6>Adding credit with a timed prompt</h6><p>Similar to the standard add credit feature there is also an option to add a credit and apply a prompt date that will flag up when that date is due to contact your client to top up on credit again. </p><h6>Becoming a member <br /></h6><p>You could incentivise your customer to be a member of an adult or child group. This would give you a membership fee up front and then offer a discount per ride. </p>” _made_with_builder=”true”][/text_block][/column][/row][row][column width=”1_2″ demo_text=”” demo_select=”” _made_with_builder=”true”][button btn_text=”Riding centre software SUPPORT” btn_link=”https://www.stable-management.co.uk/support-for-riding-centres-by-stable-management/support-for-riding-centre-booking-system/” btn_type=”btn-primary” centered=”centered” target=”_self” _made_with_builder=”true”][/button][/column][column width=”1_2″ demo_text=”” demo_select=”” _made_with_builder=”true”][button btn_text=”If you still need help get in touch now!” btn_link=”https://www.stable-management.co.uk/contact” btn_type=”btn-primary” centered=”centered” target=”_self” _made_with_builder=”true”][/button][/column][/row][row][column width=”1_1″ demo_text=”” demo_select=”” _made_with_builder=”true”][widget_area sidebar=”” _made_with_builder=”true”][/widget_area][/column][/row][/section]